Library - Rules and Regulations

  1. Entry to the Library is restricted only to the registered Students and members of the College with Identity card/Smart library automation card. Other users can consult the library for research purposes after producing letter of introduction from Supervisor to the Principal of the college.
  2. Every user must sign the daily register available in the library.
  3. Readers should observe strict silence inside the library.
  4. Uses of Mobile phones are not permitted inside the Library Building.
  5. Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical condition of the book before borrowing.
  6. Users are not allowed to bring their personal books, journals, magazines and any printed material inside the library.
  7. Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, etc. are to be kept at the Property counter/Rack.
  8. Readers should not carry reference books from the library and should leave the reference books on the reading table after use.
  9. Readers should not write in, mark and scratches and damage the books and RFID Tag.
  10. Computer in the E-library section and library automation premises should be used for academic purpose only.
  11. Overdue charges for the loss of library book, readers have to pay 50 paisa per day to the cost of book and for loss of library book, readers have to pay the cost of book.
  12. Examination admission card will not be issued unless the students secure the “No Dues Certificate” from the library.